Next Update Announcement

I expect the next 0.2.0 update to have a pretty big pack of changes. These improvements won't be huge, but there'll be a lot of them. 

Firstly, I need to get rid of some garbage that accumulated throughout the development. Clean up some code and toss away some unused assets. In theory it'll make the game lighter and improve perfomance (said like it's real bad).

Then it's planned to make some small imrovements to controlls. Rework some of visual stuff, add some new things to make the game look prettier. Also, implement some better UI solutions, maybe fix a pair of bugs and make Pongus look combed, washed and clean from inside and outside. At least hope to do so. In addition to above mentioned, I'll think about game's main page look. Probably will be able to make this seem like something respectable.

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